Thursday, January 24, 2013

Volunteering and my involvement with Kiva

“At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by ‘I was hungry and you gave me to eat, I was naked and you clothed me, I was homeless and you took me in.’ Hungry not only for bread — but hungry for love. Naked not only for clothing — but naked for human dignity and respect. Homeless not only for want of a room of bricks — but homeless because of rejection.” ~ Mother Teresa

In high school and college I was involved in volunteerism. Either through school activities, church, or my honors fraternity I have always managed to contribute back to society in some way other than physical. I love being able to lend a helping hand. But since I have been in Audit I have found it hard to get involved in a program where I can give back. The programs run by my church are either during the weekday (meals on wheels) or the one off activities are while I am on Audit. I looked into volunteering at a retirement home/nursing home but they want people to come in for at least 3 weeks straight so that the residents are constantly faced with strangers walking around the building that is their home.

Currently to abate my desire to change the world, I donate to Kiva. Kiva is a microfinance organization where you lend small amounts of money to help fund small loans to those in developing countries help improve their lives. These loans are used to start business, expand businesses, help someone go to college, or improve the quality of the village (building a well). Just for those of you who are wondering Charity Navigator gave Kiva a 66.78/70 rating. You can view their remarks here. For comparison purposes Compassion International (which is not micro financing but a program to support children in third world countries) got a 65.27. 

I know that there has got to be a program somewhere that I can volunteer on the weekends that I am home but even then I do not feel as if I would be connected to that community. Hopefully I can find a place where I can help improve the lives of others, be able to go on audit, and still feel connected. Until then I will change the world one loan at a time.

PS You can find more about kiva on their website if you want to lend. I lend around $25 a month. I have a total of around $400 lent out. If don't I contribute any more I can relend to two loans each month if I keep the loan repayment in between 6 - 10 months.

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