A while ago I decided to have a bucket list. Today I took the time to finish the list to a complete 100. I have crossed off 32 items off my list. I thought it would be fun to share with you and let you make suggestions for if I wanted to add more or to share what is on your list.
1.Backpack in Europe- 2. Visit all 50 states
3.Go into the Atlantic and the pacific4.Go skydiving- 5. Go Bungee Jumping
6.Get a tattoo- 7. Visit all 7 continents
- 8. Learn how to hotwire a car
- 9. Learn how to pick a lock
- 10. Fall in Love
- 11. Get married and have a family
- 12. Get my CPA license
- 13. Kiss under the Mistletoe
- 14. Learn how to drive a stick shift
- 15. ROAD TRIP!!
- 16. Learn to shoot a gun
- 17. Give blood
- 18. Go to four corners
- 19. Go to a drive in movie theater
20.Swim with the dolphins21.Run a 5k- 22. Run a 10k
- 23. Run a half marathon
- 24. Be an extra in a doctor who episode
- 25. Visit the wizarding world of harry potter
- 26. Go on a hot air balloon ride
- 27. Ski a real black diamond
28.Go to the Eiffel tower- 29. Go to comic con
30.Passionately kiss in the rain- 31. Go skinny dipping
32.See the Sistine chapel- 33. See Stonehenge
- 34. See the northern lights
35.Go on a cruise- 36. Hike the Appalachian trail
- 37. Earn a black belt in a martial art
- 38. Take a self defense class
- 39. Become proficient in spanish
- 40. Take singing lessons
- 41. Go to a jazz club in New Orleans
42.Go snorkeling43.Go scuba diving44.Polar bear swim- 45. Swim in the largest swimming pool in the world
- 46. Ride the orient express
47.Sleep in an overnight train48.Go to the top of the Jung Frau- 49. Go whale watching
- 50. Adopt a dog
- 51. Go white water rafting
52.See Niagara Falls53.See the Mona Lisa- 54. Stay at the Ice Hotel in Sweden
- 55. Couch Surf
- 56. Go to Carnival
- 57. Be involved in La Tomatina (huge city wide food fight)
- 58. Learn Photography
- 59. Read the top 100 American Classics
- 60. Read the top 100 books of all time
61.Learn to be more outgoing in unfamiliar settings- 62. Take a random community college course for fun – like basket weaving
63.Pay off student loans- 64. Stick to a budget for one year
65.Donate $25 to Kiva each month for one year66.Shop at Harrods67.Get a massage- 68. Drink a bottle of expensive champagne
69.Fly first class70.Study other religions- 71. Read the entire bible
72.Volunteer at a soup kitchen- 73. Invent something
- 74. Read 4 biographies about US presidents
- 75. Read 4 biographies about non American influential people
- 76. Be pictured in a magazine
77.See a Broadway play78.Try Escargot79.Try Liver80.Try Kimchi- 81. Ice skate at Rockefeller center
- 82. Have a winning lottery ticket
83.Go to a murder mystery dinner- 84. Go to a masquerade
- 85. Say “I have been kicked out of better places than this” to someone
86.Go to Vegas87. Have 100 things on my bucket list- 88. Throw a party and invite everyone
- 89. Ride and Elephant
- 90. Ride a Camel
- 91. Experience weightlessness
- 92. Drive a convertible
- 93. Donate blood
- 94. Go into all 5 oceans (Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern)
- 95. Cross the equator
96.Find Waldo in Where’s Waldo- 97. Watch the 10 most classic American Films
- 98. Drive the Pacific Coast Highway
- 99. Leave a huge tip for a deserving waiter(ess)
- 100. Get my MBA
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