Monday, July 2, 2012

"We've got serious problems, and we need serious people"*

I hate the presidential elections. More than that, I hate politics. The idea of politics, I don’t mind so much. It’s the people that are involved in them that I do not like. I like it even less in the months leading up to the Presidential Election. I am inundated with ads, commercials, billboards, flyers, and party lines. I see commercials telling me what hasn’t been done without telling me what the person running plans to do. I see YouTube ads where the person is opposed to a certain resolution, only to find out later that the resolution was something that was supported in the past. The candidates change from who they were (and what supposedly got them into the running for office) into what the party wants them to be. The president eventually becomes the president of the republicans or the president of the democrats. I want a president of the people. I guess I am just a firm believer of the best leaders are those who do not seek a position of power but have it thrust upon them. (Dave is still one of my favorite movies)

Seriously if you haven't seen this you need to

The second thing that I do not like, and probably dislike greater than what I mentioned above, is the amount of people who want to “discuss” politics. The sad thing is that I probably can be attributed to making dumb remarks about an issue without thorough research so we can throw me into this category as well (hey you dislike in others what you see in yourself). People on two opposing side of an argument A) Don’t want to listen to what the other side has to say or B) isn’t well informed on the issue C) derides the other persons view based on a differing opinion.

The last bit has made me very angry and Facebook doesn’t help. This became even more evident as Obamacare has become a focal point for the upcoming election and the US Supreme court ruling that it was constitutionally sound (except for the fee which is now a tax). Posts on Facebook were flying around (including some of my own, which I deleted because I felt I posted in haste) some saying that America was improving or America was doomed.

The thing is, I can see both sides of the argument (not clearly but well enough). And I don’t think it is as clear cut as people want it to be. I wish it was. That would make it easier. But it isn’t. And this refusal to accept the complexity of the issue has only fueled idiotic posts such as “If Obamacare isn’t reversed I am moving to Canada” (news alert: Canada has socialized healthcare or whatever people are calling it now a days) or “Because I am not a Redneck I am not voting for Romney” (some of the smartest people I know are planning to vote for Romney and I am 100% sure even the poster wouldn’t have called them a redneck). Such statements only give me a desire not to be associated with people who deride other points of view simply because they do not agree.

Most of the time, these are made by people who get information from one source and that one source has a definite bias. Sometimes these statements are made by people (on both sides of an issue) that I once respected to be well informed and used to be willing to discuss issues in a rational manner. But when they cease to approach things with the possibility of a different opinion that could be just as valid as their own, I don’t want to talk about the issue anymore. There just isn’t any point.

I think that my generation is doing a great job of being involved in politics but I also know a lot of people who have become apathetic to it, and I am sad to say that I am becoming one of those people. I want to care and I want my voice to be heard but if I can’t count on people to respect my opinion and not deride my intelligence because of it then I won’t speak up. If I can’t be heard, then why would I care?

The issues that face our world today deserve to be discussed. Not on Facebook as a post ranting against the other side, not as a link to a website that doesn’t present information that shows not only the good but also the bad, not even as a post on blogspot, but in face to face interactions where people can see not only your passion for the issue at hand but the intelligence behind it. Maybe you will sway this person to your point of view, maybe you won’t.

I will strive to be as well informed on BOTH sides of an issue as I can and discuss my thoughts with those who are willing to do so with an open mind. In the end we probably won’t agree, we may not vote for the same presidential candidate, but hopefully we will have learned a little bit about that person and why they are voting the way that they are. Hopefully, in the end, recognizing the motives and well thought out decision behind it.

*Disclaimer: I am very much aware that the title quote comes from American President and not Dave but all the Dave quotes didn't seem to fit

"He gave me a Virginia Ham!"

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